
Illegal Trade Booklet from JTI launches

JTI has developed a new Illegal trade booklet for a wide range of stakeholders to help create a greater understanding of the impact of the illegal trade in the UK.

The booklet explains exactly what is illegal when it comes to tobacco, who is behind the illegal trade , what JTI is doing to combat the issue and highlights what more could be done with a feature at the end of the book entitled “How you can take a stand”.

Despite the undoubted progress made over the last decade the UK has remained a primary target for tobacco smugglers as a result of having the second highest prices for cigarettes in Europe.

The recent announcement from the EU to ban 10s, menthol and pouches of tobacco under 30 grams coupled with proposals to introduce plain packaging is a gift for criminal gangs across the UK.

Over the last few weeks, Retail Express has been talking to retailers up and down the country who are aware of stores in their area selling illicit tobacco. Although thousands of packets of illicit tobacco has been seized by Trading Standards in the past month, there is still a lot of work to be done.

Click here to download the booklet


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